Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Let me say from the onset, this is not a food review blog.

I love to eat. Occasionally, I love to cook. Note the use of the word 'occasionally' with the word 'love'. Let's say, I will be more than happy to eat without having to use my limited cooking skills. But being mom and wife, cooking for the family should never be a chore but one, done out of the love of my heart. No one at home has complained on the food quality, so I guess I have passed that test. Or they just love me too much to tell me the truth.

However, I am excited when someone serves me a delectable meal. I also jump for joy when a recipe I try, produces a dish that looks like the photo that has been posted online or in the recipe book. Then, I do what most bloggers would do; snap a photo and share it online. I've been doing this on my Bkworm and CJWM blogs. After I jumped onto the Facebook wagon, I posted food photos there too. But the OCD in me is crying out for some order in that department. Hence, the beginning of Wang Tai Tai's 'food-ventures' blog.

The Chinese have a saying, "吃是福" - to eat is a blessing. No matter if it's just a plate of 'chee cheong fun' from a hawker's stall or exquisite cuisine from a fancy restaurant, I am thankful that I can enjoy this blessing for as long as the good Lord would allow.

Like I said at the beginning of this blog, this is NOT a food review blog but just snapshots of WTT's love affair with food. After all, she loves to eat.

And occasionally, loves to cook.


A cake roll from Baker's Cottage, bursting with fresh fruits and lots of cream.

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