Monday, July 25, 2011

MIL's Asam Laksa

There's nothing like 'my mother's' cooking. It doesn't matter if you have dinner with mom everyday or you are studying thousands of miles away from home, thinking about mom's delicious hot soups on a cold winter evening. My mom has passed on but I still long for the tasty fried rice vermicelli that she cooked for the family on alternate weekends. Or maybe you are married and now cook for your own family everyday. But still,there's something special about your own mother's cooking.

My mom-in-law (MIL) is the kitchen goddess as far as WSS is concerned. Especially when she stirs up a mean pot of asam laksa!

There's just something about the melting pot of spices; the pungent smell of the bunga kantan/ginger flower  and lemon grass that tickles the nose and tittilates the taste buds. There's no huge chunk of fish. MIL with all her patience, debones the sole fish which she usually uses for this dish and the fish meat dissolves into the soup. The end result is a pot of thick, spicy and sour soup, so full of flavours that one serving is NOT enough.

Garnish the laksa noodles with some mint leaves, julienned cucumbers and onion slices. Add in some pickles and sweetened pineapple cubes too, if you like.

It is Asam Laksa heaven. WSS swears by it.

This plate of asam laksa has been made less spicy/child friendly for MIL's grandkids!

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